Welcome to Holy Trinity Christian Church. We are delighted that you have chosen to worship with us today. We are blessed by your presence. We believe that our services will be uplifting and encouraging to you as God’s presence is welcomed into our sanctuary through your worship and praise. Our worship is based solely on the Word of God, giving guidance to the people of God! It is our further belief that we worship Christ in Spirit and in Truth. A comfortable manner which brings honor and glory to God because He is a God of order, and everything must be done in decency and order. We, the Holy Trinity Christian Church family are here to be of service to the people of God. It is through his Word that God instructs us to help one another, forbearing one another’s burden.
Meet Our Leadership
Micheal D. Adams
Senior Pastor michaeladams1235@aol.com
Raquel Pike
Church Administrator raquelpike@gmail.com
Cornelius "Neal" Davis
Associate Pastor, Curriculum & Technology nealdavis3@aol.com
Darnell Adams
Minister in Training, Youth Director darnelladams1235@aol.com
Michael Lowe
Deacon, Co-Chair
Maurice Griffin
Deacon, Co-Chair
Welcome to Trinity Church. We are delighted that you have chosen to worship with us today. We are blessed by your presence. We believe that our services will be uplifting and encouraging to you as God’s presence is welcomed into our sanctuary through your worship and praise. Our worship is based solely on the Word of God, giving guidance to the people of God! It is our further belief that we worship Christ in Spirit and in Truth. A comfortable manner which brings honor and glory to God because He is a God of order, and everything must be done in decency and order. We, the Trinity Church family are here to be of service to the people of God. It is through his Word that God instructs us to help one another, forbearing one another’s burden.
Our Mission
Trinity Church is a New Testament, a non-denominational body of believers. We exist to celebrate God's presence through worship, to communicate God's Word through evangelism, to educate God's people through discipleship, and to demonstrate God's love through ministry.
Our Vision
At Trinity Church, we envision sharing the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the families in the Alpharetta, Cumming, Johns Creek, and Roswell areas, many of whom accept Him as Lord.
We envision training our own congregation to confidently share the Gospel in various settings and to a variety of people.
We envision training our congregation to effectively help believers to mature in Christ.
We envision new believers becoming committed members of Trinity Church.
We envision a genuine thirst in the congregation for true Biblical teaching and preaching - learning for life application.
We envision spreading the teaching of God's Word in the community through various outlets.
We envision our congregation helping people with the relationships that matter.
We envision a congregation mobilized to serve the needs of others.
We envision an ever-expanding mission outreach through giving, going and praying.
We envision that all will be Faithful, Available and Trainable (F.A.T.) as we follow Jesus Christ.
Meet Our Leadership
Michael D. Adams
Senior Pastor
Cornelius "Neal" Davis
Associate Pastor
Darnell Adams
Michael Lowe
Deacon, Chair
Duane Adams
Robert White